Sunday, June 12, 2016

Plant the Seeds of Your Dreams

You’ve most probably tilled, raked, hoed and planted or transplanted for the summer growing season and pulling weeds already.

All gardeners know that you cannot just throw some seeds around on the ground haphazardly, walk away and in a few days, something will pop up, reaching for the sun and thrive on its own. Your dreams are not weeds. They are the seeds to your success and achievements.

A dream needs maintenance. Just like a plant needs water, light, air and feeding with nutrients for bloom and growth, culminating with the harvest, a dream must be tended. Daily care and attention to your dream feeds the soul and renews your determination. Staying focused on your dream increases energy and drive.

Who will treasure and nourish your dream? How does a dream become a reality?
British author James Allen wrote, “The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.”

My grandfather, Wilfred Powell, told me that in life you must put one iron in the fire and keep it hot. On the day that he was inducted into the Ohio State Fair Hall of Fame as the oldest living exhibitor in state agriculture, former Ohio Governor Frank Lausche gave a speech to all of the inductees and their guests. It was titled, The Man with the Hoe.

Just the title said it all and spoke of the time and toil that it takes from seed to harvest.
What is it all about to be a farmer, challenged with unpredictable weather and rising costs of tools and machinery to produce your dream from seed to the table?

My grandpa was a man who was never afraid of getting his hands dirty or tackling back breaking tasks, never afraid of working the soil while down on his knees for countless hours in the heat and humidity of the sultry summers and frosty autumns.

He loved to share a story from his childhood with everyone he met about his first experience as a fair exhibitor. At the age of eleven, he worked with his father to prepare the vegetable and wheat displays. 

“We hauled our products by horse-drawn wagon,” he’d say with fire in his eyes, “yep, on the old dirt road from Newark to Columbus.”

It was then and there in 1911 that he won his first Blue Ribbon for a peck of tomatoes.  
No matter when you visited my grandpa, his clothes, always the same overalls and flannel shirts, were soiled. Grime seemed to permanently exist under his fingernails. He taught me that there was something special about the land and that there was nothing like the smell of the dirt. To him, nothing else on this beautiful planet compared to a moment in the garden just before sunrise when he’d first spy a tiny seedling sprouting up through the rich soil in one of his carefully cultivated rows.

“Now that,” he’d say, “is what success is all about!”

As a writer, I believe in the power of words. Like my grandfather, it would be an extraordinary experience to plant my words like little seeds and watch them spring forth, reaching out to those who may benefit by them. Even if just one inspirational word could boost someone’s confidence, what a blessing for all!

“Words have power, even words have dreams.”

I firmly believe that every thought that enters my mind in terms of a word, a lyric line, or a melody is divinely planted into my subconscious mind, gifts that I am destined to share. If I neglect this opportunity, I feel that I have failed the very intention of why it was given to me. Just one word is waiting, floating, existing in a foggy limbo to be discovered. It has something to say. 

If I have inspired one person alone by an idea or story in my words or music, I have experienced success. However, it has not solely been me, but the words and melodies that have found their destination and achieved what they had set out to do. They are seeds planted with their own hopes and dreams.

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