Thursday, May 26, 2016

Celestial Voices is proud to announce that Celeste has been approved in the first round of the FedEx Grant Contest! 

Celeste is vying for the grand prize of $25,000. There will be a total of 10 winners announced on July 11, 2016.

As a winner, Celestial Voices can build a stronger presence online and sustain Celeste’s mission to inspire achievement. (Learn more at When you pass that FedEx truck on the road, think of how they are helping small businesses in America get a leg up and how hope never fails.

To vote for Celestial Voices, follow the link below. Thank you for your love and support!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Self-Discovery Course Countdown!

10 days until the start of the 6-week Self-Discovery Course from Celeste and YOU are the Key!

Whether your glass is half full or half empty, right now is the best time to dig in and reveal your own truth. Make a commitment, get your goals in line and stick to your plan. Today is the first day of the rest of your journey toward making your dream come true.

Visit our Key Product and Services page to purchase your Self-Discovery Course. Allow 5-7 days for delivery and take advantage of free shipping. Remember that you can take the course at your own pace, one week at a time or longer. It’s best to do the assignments and complete the final exam in whatever gear works for you. This way, you’ll be certain you’ve given yourself everything you’ve got, discovering a new view on your aspirations.

Our key introductory rate is only $39 for the complete course, including Introduction and KeyFeedback sections. That’s only $6.50 per lesson. I think you’ll be eager to complete the assignments, not only increasing your awareness and expanding our mind, but having fun as well. Should you have any questions while going through the course, don’t hesitate to email:

If you’d like to share your comments or have a question, please post them here. To learn more about my eBook, Self-Discovery Course and Self-Discovery Lecture Series, discover it all here at

Share YOU are the Key with those you love, admire and mentor. Link to Amazon Kindle:

Thanks once again for being a part of the YOU are the Key Network.
YOU are the Key!

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Are you plotting or platting your future? Merriam-Webster claims that the definition of Plot is to devise a sequence of events or create a scheme that hopefully results in the outcome you desire. To Plat is defined as a way to survey and lay out land or create a map, platting out the infrastructure of your plan.

My ebook, YOU are the Key, may be utilized in countless ways. For you, it may be a blueprint for success, a recipe for achievement, a guide toward happiness and fulfillment, a schematic for peace of mind, or a map to freedom.

However you fashion your plan, plot or plat, make it Big and Bold. Stand out above the crowd right from the start. If you’re serious about your dream and if you truly believe in yourself and what you can achieve, there is no reason in the world to skimp on broadcasting your plan. Understandably, segments and or building blocks of your dream will be revealed when it’s time. Be ready for that moment and be prepared with a Big and Bold statement.

Big and Bold can be expressed in a press release, your schematic or prototype for an invention. If you were running for President of the United States, especially if you seriously desired to run the country, you’d be bursting with the energy and tenacity that it takes to succeed in running a political campaign.

Imagine your dream. Visualize your storefront if it’s a new retail shop. Display your diagram for your bridge that will one day span across a wide river and revolutionize the industry in bridge construction. Look at your dream every day. Make it Big and Bold. You’ll tweak the design, the parts and pieces and witness its evolution prior to its reality. This is another pleasurable part of the journey.

If you experience doubt or fear, the bigger you dream, either you or your dream are not a match for each other.

How big do you want your beehive to grow? If you develop a beehive system with plans to sell your honey, you’d better be ready. You’ve already taken a bold step in learning how to set up the hives, your shipment of bees has arrived and you’ve just opened the box containing the queen. Fasten your seat belt, it’s going to be BIG. Just remember, YOU are the Key!

If you’d like to share your comments or have a question, please post them here. To learn more about my eBook, Self-Discovery Course and Self-Discovery Lecture Series, discover it all here at

Share YOU are the Key with those you love, admire and mentor. Link to Amazon Kindle:

YOU are the Key!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Beyond Your Limitations, Against All Odds

How joyous it would be to start each day with wisdom that lies beyond our expectations. 

Isn’t it wondrous to receive gifts of increased awareness just when you simply pause to observe the tenacity of an ant or insect? How often do we take the time to get a vibrant glimpse of Life through the eyes of nature?

Where do you go to find strength? Is there anyone you talk to or something you read, possibly a prayer that you say? Inner strength is there in every cell of your body, enveloping your mind, your heart and soul.

Yes, there are days when we feel weaker or stronger. Even when weakness is simply physical, strength can be mustered up and you must try. How you think and act to build up your strength is key. When your dream is on the line and your key to happiness and peace of mind is waiting, only YOU are the Key!

No matter what your process or course of action, everything begins with you. How often are you willing to repeat your attempts at improvement, development, and building strength? How much of your time are you committed to invest in our success? How far are you willing to go, how many miles?

I’ve observed tiny ants several times. There are the ones who attempt to climb a wall, lose their grip and fall, but try to climb again. Persistently, they will retrace their journey until they reach their goal. There are other ants that carry food that appears to be a boulder in size, relevant to theirs. In the world of insects, it makes you wonder how they determine a plan for going beyond their limitations, against all odds.

If you’d like to share your comments or have a question, please post them here. To learn more about my eBook, Self-Discovery Course and Self-Discovery Lecture Series,  
check out Share YOU are the Key with those you love, admire and mentor. Link to Amazon Kindle:

YOU are the Key!